- A round table of curators and collection managing institutions was consulted to ensure their support for the pilot project: Allard Pierson (Amsterdam); Athenaeum Library, Deventer; Groningen University Library; Leiden University Library; Radboud University Library (Nijmegen); Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The Hague); Utrecht University Library.
- Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The Hague) is the host of the previously curated database Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections (MMDC). They supported the project by sharing the MMDC dataset with us so that we could convert the data into XML-TEI files.
- Leiden University Library involved us in a project to prepare for the transition from MMDC to eCodicesNL, funded by the Mondriaan Fund.
Projects with overlapping objectives:
- e-codices Switzerland: A virtual library for all medieval and selected modern manuscripts in Swiss collections. Currently (Oct 2022), the virtual library contains 2,700 manuscripts from 97 different collections. It is constantly being expanded and updated.
- Fragmentarium: A laboratory for medieval manuscript fragments, whose main goal is to create a platform that carries out scholarly work on fragments. To operate as an international platform, it must take great care to meet the latest standards of digital libraries and also to set new standards.
- Medieval manuscripts in Dutch collections: This database, still hosted by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague but no longer updated, contains descriptive information on all medieval Western manuscripts (up to c. 1550) in Latin script held in public and semi-public collections in the Netherlands: university, regional and city libraries, museums, archives, monastic orders, and so on. These data were shared with us and formed the basic information for our own descriptions.
- Medieval Manuscripts in Flemish Collections: This database, slightly modelled on the MMDC, aims to contain descriptive information on all medieval manuscripts and manuscript fragments in Flemish collections. Where possible and increasingly, digital facsimiles are included, but the emphasis is on optimal in-depth description of medieval material.
- Medieval Dutch Manuscript Illumination: a joint project has started at the Rijksinstituut voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie to inventory and make accessible twenty illuminated manuscripts from the Rotterdam Public Library in order to set up a template in XML-TEI for encoding information on illuminations.