Web application

Web application

The web application was built by the Digital Infrastructure Department of KNAW-HuC, Amsterdam, in particular by Rob Zeeman and his colleagues (Team Structured Data). Guiding principles were to create a FAIR platform, in line with international requirements and standards, and open access. Technical components of the site are:

Back end:

  • Docker and Nginx as the platform for the web server
  • Python, Flask service
  • ElasticSearch (for searching metadata)
  • IIIF services

Front end:


  • Backend: Docker, Apache 2 (webserver), PHP 8
  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (jQuery)


  • Git (version control)
  • Portainer (management of Docker images and containers)
  • Kibana (manage ElasticSearch index)

File formats:

  • JSON (IIIF manifests, data traffic, definition editor)
  • CMDI (Component MetaData Infrastructure, developed within CLARIN for modelling and storing metadata)
  • TEI-XML P5 (10, Manuscript description, for standardised data classification with third parties)